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ABOUT  The Turning Point


“Welcome to The Turning Point.”


  • In the desert of North Africa, in the present country of Egypt on the Giza Plateau near the River Nile, lies an enigmatic, bold statement of massive proportions.  Three, exceedingly precise, yet hugely large, pyramidal forms made of exceptionally heavy stone contrast dramatically with the blowing sand of their surroundings...

  • The Turning Point's primary mission is to describe and decode the mystery of the symbology most likely intended.  It is an all-encompassing task which will entail linking objective, observational science with what is best referred to as the experiential philosophy of mind.  Only with an honest discussion and blending of both types of insight can this transformational task be undertaken seriously.

  • Check back frequently as this site will present a series of papers, videos, podcasts, and related information in the form of an evolving discussion on a description of our universe that produces surprising results.

  • It's all about "new" insights in geometry coupled with the classic "middle path" of Perennial Philosophy.  Recognizing and balancing opposites in characteristics and tendencies proves to be central in a comprehensive understanding of cause and effect that incorporates yet simultaneously transcends modernity.

  • These ideas were understood in the unknown past as foundational and cast in stone "mega" monuments so we would not forget the lessons. Unfortunately, mankind did forget in a big way...

  • It is the hope at The Turning Point that you join us in rediscovering the truth embodied by the metaphor of the tree of life and your surprising place in it.

  • Geometry - ("Gee, I'm a tree") - is more than wordplay and coincidence; geometry is a tool possessing ultimate resolution that points the way towards truth with the right approach.  Nonspecific Geometry  is key to unlocking the message of the monuments of Giza.

  • Please go to website blog first for a chronological set of "mini" courses designed to aid in the understanding of material presented under the site main menu headings.

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    Website content intended for educational purposes. Internet images and linked videos referenced are the subject of commentary presented in a transformative manner and thus should be considered as "Fair Use." Parties interested in having certain portions of content credited or removed should contact The Turning Point.

    © 2023 The Turning Point

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