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Geometric Idealism

IWithin modern philosophy there are sometimes taken to be two fundamental conceptions of idealism:

  1. something mental (the mind, spirit, reason, will) is the ultimate foundation of all reality, or even exhaustive of reality, and

  2. although the existence of something independent of the mind is conceded, everything that we can know about this mind-independent “reality” is held to be so permeated by the creative, formative, or constructive activities of the mind (of some kind or other) that all claims to knowledge must be considered, in some sense, to be a form of self-knowledge.

Idealism in sense (1) has been called “metaphysical” or “ontological idealism”, while idealism in sense (2) has been called “formal” or “epistemological idealism”.


[above excerpt from:  Idealism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)]



Thus, as described and developed, the three coexisting spaces of the “mind loop” and of the Inflowmation process are:


  1. The superstratum  (an analog space of continuous waveforms – the singular source of all information  and therefore, representative of source mind)

  2. The mesostratum  (a mediating space representationally mapped at Giza required for the geometric projection of superstratum, source, analog information into the digital realm of the physiostratum)

  3. The physiostratum  (the digital noncontinuous space of everyday experience – a geometric projection of the information content of the superstratum)



In Geometric Idealism, greater mind or source is the superstratum mapped by a timeless field of continuous waveforms of various knots.  Because the superstratum is a waveform field that has no discrete features, it experiences no time.


The mesostratum births time, form, and discrete physical properties such as angular momentum from the oscillations of the superstratum.  The mesostratum is the mediating domain existing between the superstratum and the physiostratum.  In essence, it creates space-time, matter, and light from the continuous movements of the superstratum.


The physiostratum is a digital version of the analog information held in the superstratum that is translated by the mesostratum into a geometric field or skeleton commonly referred to as space-time.  Vibrations of the mesostratum and resulting hypercube lattice are thought to create the forces and particles of physics.


Superstratum knots (and arrangements of associated particles) of vast complexity are theorized to create life forms in the physiostratum which interact with each other and the environment and act as the observers that decohere a shared reality from superstratum potential.  Because particles and forces themselves derive from the superstratum, this mapping cannot be interpreted to have physicalist components.


Visible light (photons) adheres to the discrete geometry of the physiostratum and mesostratum and can be visualized as a rapidly spinning bicone that demonstrates the "wagon wheel effect."  See New Science webpage for details.

The edges of the spinning bicone are seen in this manner in the below video and are usually referred to erroneously as "lens flare."

More than Metaphor... The Embodiment of Geometric Idealism in Motion with Music

Glimmer and Glow by LATG Music
00:00 / 03:01
The Sweetest Surrender by Klimenko Music
00:00 / 02:39

In work

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