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The first Turning Point podcast... New podcast format in work.  Podcasts will resume once website and related postings are complete.  Don't hesitate to submit questions here at this time:   

Royal Institution Talk.PNG

At 1:19:32 of the above video (Royal Institution Event), I ask Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder, famous commentator on the state of present science and of YouTube fame, whether or not her proposed solution to the "Dark Matter Problem" (Superfluid Dark Matter) is a "beautiful" theory in light of the consideration of possible extra dimensions.


Note: this video was taken down and reformatted eliminating the question and answer session.  Dr. Hossenfelder answered my question with, "I really haven't considered that."  This response was in line with her previously stated position that "beauty" or elegance is too much in vogue in today's scientific ideology and not necessary in physical theories.  The Turning Point respectfully disagrees...


The edited video link for this event is here:


Is Dark Matter Real? - with Sabine Hossenfelder - YouTube


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