In the final chapter of the physical universe (the physiostratum) all light and matter finds a near ultimate center or balance (singularity) as all constituents of the Big Bang return to black holes by means of evolving helices of elliptical /circular motion:
Super massive black holes are thought to be at the center of all galaxies driving the overall dynamic of galactic center seeking.
For a discussion of this phenomenon see the video below from 13:07s to 22:22s:
Eventually, after all local matter has fallen into the singularity of a super massive black hole located at the center of a galaxy, a photon disk of orbiting /centering light remains. In poetic fashion, the photon disk itself theoretically gets absorbed by the black hole singularity over time - all local light and matter that began in the big bang returns to its source (the superstratum /ground state consciousness). All galactic CEUs (living organisms) caught up in this grand collapse would cease to exist, and thus, the mesostratum they invoke would vanish from the "mind loop." (It is interesting to speculate what a human CEU would experience at this juncture... a painless "visual field of white light that fades to black?")
Whether or not the galactic supermassive black holes ultimately combine or remain separate is up for conjecture. In either case, the "informational content" of the CEUs - their history of evolutionary learning would /could be retained by the superstratum for possible further use in another self generated, Big Bang event.
Thus, in a proposed universal, cyclic, never ending, centering /balancing process of self organization, the superstratum (ground consciousness) eventually reconstitutes novel, self-evolving, more "optimized" CEUs (representative of the mesostratum) in a fresh, newly created physical universe (physiostratum). The mind loop continues... Let there be light... again!
The mind loop is envisioned as an infinite process of centering or balancing that generates infinite possibilities in reducing an existential uncertainty that is never completely found, described or solved - only approached asymptotically.