Our physical understanding of the macro universe begins with observing the relative motions of Earth within local space and those motions relative to the rest frame of the universe:
https://youtu.be/C8BHLgfFx7I (Evolution of Galaxy Formation)
https://youtu.be/mvgaxQGPg7I (Helical Solar System - Version 2/ corrected)
https://youtu.be/WNtqSSH0qVc (Earth around the Sun)
More detailed analysis and information regarding the motions of the Earth and its "relative place" in and through space:
Summarizing Article from Forbes:
The major take away here is that the sum of the Earth's motions relative to the rest frame of the universe can be characterized as an evolving "sum of elliptical/circular, helical motion." Later, these motions will be argued to originate from and reflect the geometric, dynamic interplay of two circles - central to the message of Giza and Perennial Philosophy.