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Writer's pictureThe Turning Point

Evolution of Perspective Via Centering and Contrasts / lesson 7

Updated: Oct 10, 2021

The balancing or centering process in the evolution of the physical universe as described up to this point continues with the beginnings and the maturation of life as described by Charles Darwin in his book, On the Origin of Species:

Darwin’s theory of evolution proposes that all species of plants and animals survive through a process called "natural selection." By means of natural selection, those organisms that have successfully adapted or evolved to meet the dynamic, challenging requirements of their natural habitat are able to thrive and to reproduce, while those species that fail to evolve and reproduce in their environment cease to exist.

For further amplification watch this video:

The process of natural selection can be thought of as an exercise by which an organism finds equilibrium in its environment... When a life form's needs (survival and reproduction) are met in harmony with a particular habitat and promote the sustaining of that same environment, a balance or figurative center in behavior results.

The Evolution of Life Through Geologic Eras - A Process of Finding an Optimum Center

An organism's perceptions or feedback mechanisms are defined by the contrasting experiences each life form internally processes during its evolutionary path. These contrasting experiences in all evolved life forms are proposed to originate in and to refine a base foundational consciousness toward a state of better equilibrium. See Perennial Philosophy heading on website menu for a more detailed discussion:

Life forms that derive energy from metabolic processes and in particular human beings can be envisioned as being encapsulated individuated units of a fundamental or base consciousness. Organisms defined in this manner are exploring and evolving in their environment as consciousness exploration units ["CEUs" - pronounced ironically enough as see you(s)].

In summary, the evolving perspectives of conscious entities (and thus, of you the reader) are centering /balancing exercises based in Darwinian Evolutionary Theory and echo the modus operandi of an evolving physical and mental universe that constantly seeks to optimize the experiential basis of thought (mind).

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