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Reference Library

In no particular order:

VIDEO course by Dr. Bernardo Kastrup


Strongly recommended, consistent philosophy and food for thought:

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Analytic Idealism Course | Essentia Foundation


Symbolic geometric nature of video below no stranger to The Turning Point.  True Visionary Art - Thanks Bernardo!

Bernardo Big Bang.PNG
Hoffman pic.PNG
Eric W hands.PNG

Richard Cassaro  Mystic, Symbolist, Author, and Esoteric Archeologist.  Links Perennial Philosophy with Freemasonry and a proposed "golden age," world culture existing in antiquity through interpretations of monuments, symbols, and practices - The Triptych and "Godself" iconography are primary evidence.


Anyextee  Esoteric Researcher, Author, Filmaker.  Shows the possible connection between the key of Mehit symbolism and The Sphinx.  Second video exposes "primal waveform symbolism."


Tom Campbell  Former NASA Physicist, Author, and Consciouness Explorer.  Argues that logic - not mathematics - is the basis of objective and subjective description in comprehensive theories of everything (TOEs).

Tom Campbell.JPG

Circles and more circles - The Fourier Transform - A mathematical method of infinite, analog information genesis and related summation of waveforms.

Fourier Series.PNG

We will never know "everything" with certainty.  Musings on Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, Turing Machines, and "The Game of Life" simulation playing "The Game of Life" which results in dynamics that mimic The Turning Point's proposed "physiostratum" in that a dual geometric pattern is seen transforming across a cubic lattice.

The Game of Life.PNG

Related VIDEO:


Math Has a Fatal Flaw - YouTube


James Galton  A lattice of discrete action between nodes (points of zero relative velocity) demonstrates a dynamic "seeking" of a statistical center.  A kinetic model of The Turning Point's physiostratum framework employing elements of Pascal's Triangle (Sierpinski Gasket) and the Fibonacci Series that dramatically highlights nature's conjectured metaphysical aim and purpose - to reduce an existential uncertainty in awareness itself...


Dr. Wolfgang W. Daeumler  (Physicist, Physician, Aviator, Skipper, and Programmer) Advocate of a strict epistemological reduction of space, time, and physical objects to mathematically defined entities.  Investigates the horn torus and associated Lissajous curves as a forming a representational mapping of Standard Model particles and related phenomena.




Horn Torus & Physics


Related VIDEO:


Horn Torus Model - The Big Hiss - YouTube


Alexander Unzicker  Physicist, author, and commentator who champions that a reduction of fundamental constants in physics is the best path forward and that a historical re-examination of 20th century physics reveals "missed" opportunities in consistency and clarity which currently "thwart" advancement.  Einstein's variable speed of light theory vs. Minkowski's "Spacetime formulation" of General Relativity is offered as one such example of historical neglect bearing reinvestigation.


Christopher Langan  Founder of Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU) which is a Theory of Everything explaining the connection between mind and reality.  Autodidact with an estimated IQ of between 195 - 210 puts forth a cogent, well articulated metaphysics incorporating idealism. Telesis (a combination of energy and information) is argued to be the process by which a monad (apprehending everything at once) produces its alters and becomes self-reflective.

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Mike Parker Pearson  FSA, FSA Scot, FBA is an English archaeologist specialising in the study of the Neolithic British Isles, Madagascar and the archaeology of death and burial. A professor at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, he previously worked for 25 years as a professor at the University of Sheffield in England, and was the director of the Stonehenge Riverside Project. A prolific author, he has also written a variety of books on the subject.

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Neil degrasse Tyson  Neil deGrasse Tyson is an American astrophysicist, planetary scientist, author, and science communicator. Tyson studied at Harvard University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Columbia University.  Since 1996, he has been the director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City. The center is part of the American Museum of Natural History, where Tyson founded the Department of Astrophysics in 1997 and has been a research associate in the department since 2003.  In The Turning Point's view, Tyson is Earth's resident ambassador to the Cosmos possessing a rare combination of intellect, opinion, and humor in describing and illuminating the current state of affairs in science to a mass audience.

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Home - Neil deGrasse Tyson (


Papers, VIDEOs, and related content found in website above.


Stephen Wolfram  Creates ideas, technology, science, companies, books, "space time atoms" and introduces The Ruliad - almost by definition the biggest object in metascience."  A conjectured, computationally based, hypergraph consisting of cellular automata is thought to encode greater truths in natural description as a theory of everything. Computational irreducibility is introduced as a feature of nature. 

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Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder  Currently at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and a graduate of Goethe University Frankfurt specializing in analog models of gravity research with interest in the phenomenology of quantum gravity. She focuses on the role of Lorentz invariance and locality which would be altered with the discovery of quantum gravity. Another area of her research is the foundations of quantum mechanics, where she has argued against free will and in favor of superdeterminism. She is widely known as an internet personality and science "explainer" with a penchant for YouTube -  "Science without the gobbledygook" and related, insightful music videos.  Simply put, Dr. H "rocks..." 




Sabine (


Related VIDEOs:


Sabine Hossenfelder - YouTube​


Dr. Michio Kaku  American theoretical physicistfuturist, and popularizer of science (science communicator). He is a professor of theoretical physics in the City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center. Kaku is the author of several books about physics and related topics and has made frequent appearances on radio, television, and film. He is also a regular contributor to his own blog, as well as other popular media outlets. For his efforts to bridge science and science fiction, he is a 2021 Sir Arthur Clarke Lifetime Achievement Awardee.


The Turning Point has benefited from Dr. Kaku's exploration of hyper dimensions - especially visualization techniques of a hypercube using shadows cast by a wireframe cube...


In work

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