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Image by Neegam Singh

You are the Point

Science frames and tests objective concepts and representations of nature's material description solely by the means and existence of consciousness.  Subjective, individual experience is also singularly found in mind.  A logical conclusion follows then that all of experienced reality is some developed expression of collective awareness.


The Turning Point believes the Pyramids of Giza to be a staggering technical and philosophical monument to this realization which is the honest work of every human being.  As was demonstrated within the logic of Nonspecific Geometry and Perennial Philosophy, an information-based universe requires a melding of separate analog and digital representational spaces.  The pyramidal forms expressed at Giza are proposed to represent a necessary geometrical mapping of a third space by which an analog and a digital universe communicate.  Thus, as described and developed, the three coexisting spaces of the “mind loop” and of the Inflowmation process are:


  1. The superstratum  (an analog space of continuous waveforms – the singular source of all information  and therefore, representative of source mind)

  2. The mesostratum  (a mediating space representationally mapped at Giza required for the geometric projection of superstratum, source, analog information into the digital realm of the physiostratum)​

  3. The physiostratum  (the digital noncontinuous space of everyday experience – a geometric projection of the information content of the superstratum)


Yes, you are the "Point Person" currently experiencing life in the physiostratum as an embodied parcel and integral part of the infinite mind of the universe (life force and base consciousness – the superstratum).  Both individual and mutual experiences, thoughts, and dreamscapes coevolve in the form of a canvass of growth at all levels of awareness.  The best of current observational science and collective intuition leads to this conclusion.


Seekers of wisdom's path ultimately find that they are indeed, in some measure, the cocreators of their life experience.  In a phrase, "dip in" to the ocean of prospect and probability.  Create waves and ride them simultaneously to a place where personal metaphor has the potential to become reality.  Giza tells us in a sophisticated fashion this outcome is possible as an age-old description of life that our cosmos mandates.  Given the above – personalized awareness and related experiences drive a non-ending enterprise of self-discovery.


A colossal, nondual representation or model of the universe is proffered to exist in the form of the Pyramids of Giza...

Love in a greater sense perhaps means more backwards than forwards: (ev)oL(ve) -> evolve -> (r)evolve...

In work

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